How to Customize Error Bars in Excel

adminEdit By tarek radwan25 March 2023Last Update :

Introduction to Customizing Error Bars in Excel

Error bars are a critical tool in Excel for representing the variability of data and indicating the uncertainty in measurements. They provide a visual representation of the precision or potential error range of the data points in a chart. Customizing error bars in Excel can enhance the clarity and effectiveness of data presentation, allowing for a more accurate interpretation of the results. This article will guide you through the process of customizing error bars in Excel, ensuring that your data visualization is not only informative but also visually appealing.

Understanding Error Bars in Excel

Before diving into customization, it’s essential to understand what error bars are and the types available in Excel. Error bars can represent various statistical measures, such as standard deviation, standard error, confidence intervals, or a fixed value. Excel provides several options for error bars, including:

  • Standard Error: Reflects the standard error of the mean for the data points.
  • Percentage: Sets the error bar length to a percentage of the data point value.
  • Standard Deviation: Shows the variability of the data set.
  • Fixed Value: Allows you to set a specific value for the error bars.
  • Custom: Enables you to define custom error amounts based on a range of values in your worksheet.

Each type of error bar serves a different purpose and can be selected based on the data analysis requirements.

Adding Basic Error Bars to Your Chart

To begin customizing error bars, you first need to add them to your chart. Here’s a step-by-step guide to adding basic error bars:

  1. Select the data series in your chart by clicking on it.
  2. Go to the Chart Tools section in the Excel ribbon, which appears when a chart is selected.
  3. Click on the Add Chart Element dropdown menu.
  4. Choose Error Bars and then select the type of error bars you want to add (e.g., Standard Error).

After these steps, Excel will automatically add the selected type of error bars to your chart.

Customizing Error Bar Values

For more precise data representation, you may need to customize the error bar values. Here’s how to set custom values for your error bars:

  1. After adding error bars, click on them to select them.
  2. Right-click and choose Format Error Bars from the context menu.
  3. In the Format Error Bars pane, under the Error Amount section, select Custom.
  4. Click on the Specify Value button.
  5. Enter your custom values for the Positive Error Value and Negative Error Value or select a range from your worksheet.
  6. Click OK to apply the custom values.

This customization allows you to represent the actual variability in your data more accurately.

Formatting Error Bars for Better Visualization

Beyond setting values, you can format error bars to improve the visual impact of your chart. Here’s how to format your error bars for better visualization:

  1. Select the error bars in your chart.
  2. Open the Format Error Bars pane if it’s not already open.
  3. Under the Error Bar Options, you can choose to apply the error bars to both directions or just one (positive or negative).
  4. Adjust the End Style to give your error bars a cap or leave them without.
  5. In the Line section, you can change the color, width, and style of the error bars to make them stand out or blend with your chart.

These formatting options can make your error bars more visually appealing and easier to interpret.

Advanced Customization Techniques

For those who require even more control over their error bars, Excel offers advanced customization techniques. Here are some tips for advanced users:

  • Conditional Error Bars: You can use Excel formulas to create error bars that change based on conditions within your data. This requires setting up a separate data series that calculates the error bar values based on your criteria.
  • VBA Macros: For repetitive and complex error bar customizations, you can write VBA macros to automate the process. This is particularly useful when dealing with large datasets or when you need to apply the same customization across multiple charts.
  • Combining Different Error Bar Types: In some cases, you might want to show more than one type of error measure on the same chart. While Excel doesn’t natively support this, you can overlay multiple charts or use creative formatting to simulate this effect.

These advanced techniques can help you push the boundaries of what’s possible with error bars in Excel.

Case Study: Custom Error Bars in Action

To illustrate the power of custom error bars, let’s consider a case study. Imagine a pharmaceutical company conducting a clinical trial for a new drug. The trial results show the average reduction in symptoms for patients, but the company needs to represent the variability of the response to the drug.

By adding custom error bars that represent the standard deviation of the results, the company can visually communicate the range of responses. This not only provides a clearer picture of the drug’s effectiveness but also helps in making informed decisions about further development and marketing strategies.

FAQ Section

Can I add error bars to specific data points in Excel?

Yes, you can add error bars to specific data points by selecting only those points in the chart before adding the error bars.

How do I remove error bars from my Excel chart?

To remove error bars, select them in the chart and press the Delete key on your keyboard.

Can I use different error bar values for each data point?

Yes, by choosing the Custom option for error bars, you can specify different positive and negative error values for each data point.

Is it possible to add horizontal error bars in Excel?

Yes, Excel allows you to add horizontal error bars in addition to vertical ones. This is useful for scatter plots and other chart types where horizontal variability is significant.

Can I save my customized error bars as a template for future use?

While Excel doesn’t have a feature to save error bar settings as a template, you can save the entire chart as a template or use VBA macros to apply the same settings to other charts.


Customizing error bars in Excel is a powerful way to enhance the presentation and interpretation of your data. Whether you’re a student, researcher, or business professional, mastering this skill can significantly improve your data visualization capabilities. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create error bars that accurately reflect the variability in your data and convey your findings with greater precision and clarity.

Remember, the key to effective data presentation is not just in the analysis but also in how you communicate the results. Custom error bars are just one of the many tools Excel offers to help you tell a compelling story with your data.


For further reading and advanced techniques, consider exploring the following resources:

By utilizing these resources and practicing the techniques shared, you’ll be well-equipped to customize error bars in Excel for any dataset.

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