How to Make All Text Caps in Excel

adminEdit By nancy sherif29 March 2023Last Update :

Unleashing the Power of Capitalization in Excel

Excel, the powerhouse of data organization and analysis, offers a plethora of features to streamline and enhance the way we work with text and numbers. One such feature is the ability to transform text to all caps, which can be crucial for maintaining consistency, improving readability, or adhering to data entry standards. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the methods of making all text caps in Excel, ensuring that your spreadsheets stand out with a professional touch.

Understanding the Need for Text Transformation

Before we delve into the how-to, it’s important to understand why you might need to convert text to uppercase in Excel. Capital letters can help highlight specific information, such as titles, headings, or acronyms. They can also be a requirement for data standardization, especially when dealing with codes or identifiers that are case-sensitive. With this in mind, let’s explore the various techniques to achieve this transformation.

Using Excel Functions to Capitalize Text

Excel provides built-in functions that can be used to change the case of text. The UPPER function is the go-to tool for converting text to all uppercase letters. Here’s how you can use it:


Replace “text” with the cell reference containing the text you want to capitalize. For example:


This formula will convert the text in cell A1 to all caps. If you have a list of items you want to capitalize, simply drag the fill handle down to apply this formula to the entire column.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using the UPPER Function

  1. Select the cell where you want the capitalized text to appear.
  2. Type the UPPER function formula, referencing the cell with the text to capitalize.
  3. Press Enter to apply the formula.
  4. Drag the fill handle to apply the formula to other cells if needed.

Capitalizing Text with Flash Fill

Excel’s Flash Fill feature is a smart tool that recognizes patterns in your data entry and automatically fills in the remaining data accordingly. To use Flash Fill to capitalize text:

  1. Type the first item in uppercase in the cell next to the original text.
  2. Press Enter and move to the next cell down.
  3. Start typing the second item in uppercase, and Excel will display a preview of the capitalized text for the remaining items.
  4. Press Enter to accept the Flash Fill suggestions.

If Flash Fill doesn’t start automatically, you can trigger it manually by selecting the cells where you want the capitalized text and then going to Data > Flash Fill, or by pressing Ctrl + E.

Transforming Text to Caps Using Excel Macros

For those who frequently need to capitalize text in Excel, creating a macro can be a time-saving solution. Macros are sequences of instructions that automate repetitive tasks. Here’s a simple macro that will convert selected text to uppercase:

  1. Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) editor.
  2. Go to Insert > Module to create a new module.
  3. Copy and paste the following code into the module:
Sub ConvertToUpperCase()
    Dim rng As Range
    For Each rng In Selection
        rng.Value = UCase(rng.Value)
    Next rng
End Sub
  1. Close the VBA editor and return to Excel.
  2. Select the cells with text you want to capitalize.
  3. Press Alt + F8, select ‘ConvertToUpperCase’, and click ‘Run’.

This macro will instantly convert the selected text to uppercase. Remember to save your workbook as a macro-enabled file (.xlsm) to preserve and use the macro in the future.

Utilizing Excel Add-ins for Text Capitalization

There are also third-party Excel add-ins available that offer advanced text manipulation features, including text capitalization. These add-ins often provide a user-friendly interface and additional functionalities that go beyond Excel’s native capabilities. To use an add-in for capitalizing text:

  1. Install the add-in according to the provider’s instructions.
  2. Select the text you want to capitalize.
  3. Use the add-in’s interface to apply the uppercase transformation.

Be sure to research and choose an add-in that is reputable and meets your specific needs.

Formatting Text with Excel’s Ribbon Commands

While Excel doesn’t have a direct ribbon command to change text case, you can use the ‘Format Cells’ dialog for a similar effect:

  1. Select the cells with the text you want to capitalize.
  2. Right-click on the selection and choose ‘Format Cells’, or press Ctrl + 1.
  3. Under the ‘Font’ tab, check the ‘All caps’ option if available (Note: This feature may not be available in all versions of Excel).
  4. Click ‘OK’ to apply the formatting.

This method changes the display of the text to uppercase without altering the actual data in the cells, which can be useful for visual presentation while keeping the original text intact.

FAQ Section

Can I convert text to all caps without using a formula?

Yes, you can use Excel’s Flash Fill feature or create a macro to capitalize text without a formula. Additionally, some third-party add-ins can perform this task.

Will capitalizing text with a formula change the original data?

Using a formula like UPPER will not change the original data. It will display the capitalized result in the cell where you enter the formula. To replace the original data with capitalized text, you can copy the formula results and use ‘Paste Values’ to overwrite the original text.

Is there a keyboard shortcut to capitalize text in Excel?

There is no direct keyboard shortcut to capitalize text in Excel. However, you can use the Flash Fill shortcut Ctrl + E after typing the first capitalized item to fill in the rest.

Can I use Excel to capitalize text in a way that each word starts with a capital letter?

Yes, you can use the PROPER function to capitalize the first letter of each word in a text string:


Replace “text” with the cell reference containing the text you want to capitalize in this manner.

Does Excel have a toggle case feature like in word processors?

No, Excel does not have a toggle case feature like some word processors. You need to use functions, Flash Fill, macros, or add-ins to change text case.


Capitalizing text in Excel is a straightforward process that can be accomplished through various methods, depending on your preference and the complexity of your task. Whether you opt for the simplicity of the UPPER function, the convenience of Flash Fill, the automation of macros, or the enhanced capabilities of add-ins, Excel offers a solution to ensure your data is presented with the desired level of professionalism and clarity. By mastering these techniques, you’ll be well-equipped to handle any text capitalization needs that arise in your spreadsheet endeavors.

Remember, while capitalizing text can be aesthetically pleasing and sometimes necessary, always consider the context and readability for your audience. With the insights and instructions provided in this article, you’re now ready to transform your Excel data with confidence and ease.

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