The Application Was Unable to Start Correctly (0xc00007b). Click Ok to Close the Application

admin15 February 2023Last Update :

How to Troubleshoot the 0xc00007b Error in Windows

The 0xc00007b error is a common issue that affects Windows users. This error is usually caused by a missing or corrupted system file, or an incompatibility between two or more programs. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot this issue.

First, you should check to make sure that all of your Windows updates are up to date. Outdated Windows versions can cause the 0xc00007b error. To check for updates, open the Start menu and type “Windows Update” into the search bar. Select the “Check for Updates” option and follow the on-screen instructions.

Next, you should try reinstalling the program that is causing the error. Uninstalling and reinstalling the program can help to resolve any incompatibilities that may be causing the 0xc00007b error. To uninstall a program, open the Start menu and type “Control Panel” into the search bar. Select the “Uninstall a Program” option and follow the on-screen instructions.

If the 0xc00007b error persists, you should try running a system file checker scan. This scan will check for any corrupted or missing system files that may be causing the error. To run a system file checker scan, open the Start menu and type “Command Prompt” into the search bar. Right-click on the “Command Prompt” option and select the “Run as Administrator” option. Type “sfc /scannow” into the command prompt window and press Enter.

Finally, if none of the above steps have resolved the 0xc00007b error, you should try performing a clean boot. A clean boot will help to identify any third-party programs that may be causing the error. To perform a clean boot, open the Start menu and type “System Configuration” into the search bar. Select the “Services” tab and check the “Hide all Microsoft services” box. Click “Disable all” and then click “OK”. Restart your computer and check to see if the 0xc00007b error has been resolved.

By following these steps, you should be able to troubleshoot the 0xc00007b error in Windows. If the error persists, you should contact a professional for further assistance.

Common Causes of the 0xc00007b Error and How to Fix Them

The 0xc00007b error is a common issue that affects many Windows users. It is usually caused by a missing or corrupt system file, or by a conflict between two or more programs. Fortunately, there are several methods that can be used to fix this error.

The first step in resolving the 0xc00007b error is to check for any missing or corrupt system files. To do this, open the Command Prompt window and type “sfc /scannow”. This will scan your system for any missing or corrupt files and replace them with the correct versions.

If the 0xc00007b error persists, the next step is to check for any conflicts between programs. To do this, open the Task Manager and look for any programs that are running in the background. If any of these programs are conflicting with each other, they should be closed or uninstalled.

Another possible cause of the 0xc00007b error is a corrupt or outdated graphics card driver. To fix this, open the Device Manager and look for any graphics card drivers that are out of date. If any are found, they should be updated to the latest version.

Finally, if the 0xc00007b error persists, it may be caused by a virus or malware infection. To fix this, run a full system scan with an anti-virus program. This will detect and remove any malicious files that may be causing the error.

In conclusion, the 0xc00007b error is a common issue that can be caused by a variety of factors. Fortunately, there are several methods that can be used to fix this error, such as checking for missing or corrupt system files, checking for conflicts between programs, updating graphics card drivers, and running a full system scan with an anti-virus program.

Understanding the 0xc00007b Error and How to Resolve It Quickly

The 0xc00007b error is a common issue that many Windows users encounter when attempting to launch certain applications or games. This error is caused by a missing or corrupted system file, and it can prevent the application or game from launching properly. Fortunately, there are several methods that can be used to quickly resolve this issue.

The first step in resolving the 0xc00007b error is to ensure that all of the necessary system files are present and up-to-date. This can be done by running a system file checker scan, which can be accessed by typing “sfc /scannow” into the command prompt. This scan will check for any missing or corrupted system files and replace them with the correct versions.

If the system file checker scan does not resolve the issue, the next step is to reinstall the application or game that is causing the error. This can be done by uninstalling the application or game from the control panel, and then reinstalling it from the original source.

If the issue persists after reinstalling the application or game, the next step is to update the graphics drivers. This can be done by downloading the latest version of the graphics drivers from the manufacturer’s website and installing them on the computer.

Finally, if all of the above steps fail to resolve the issue, the last resort is to perform a clean installation of Windows. This will replace all of the system files and settings with the default versions, which should resolve the 0xc00007b error.

In conclusion, the 0xc00007b error is a common issue that can prevent certain applications or games from launching properly. Fortunately, there are several methods that can be used to quickly resolve this issue, such as running a system file checker scan, reinstalling the application or game, updating the graphics drivers, and performing a clean installation of Windows.

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