How To Delete Primary User On Ps4 Without Password

adminEdit By tarek radwan13 March 2023Last Update :

Unlocking the Gateway to Your PS4: Deleting the Primary User Without a Password

The PlayStation 4 (PS4) is a hub of digital entertainment, offering a world of gaming and media experiences. At the heart of this experience is the primary user account, which controls access and maintains the personalization of the system. However, there may come a time when you need to delete the primary user account, and the password is nowhere to be found. Whether you’re preparing to sell your console, troubleshooting, or simply organizing your accounts, this guide will walk you through the process of removing the primary user on your PS4 without needing the password.

Understanding the PS4 User Hierarchy

Before diving into the deletion process, it’s essential to understand the user hierarchy on your PS4. The primary user account holds the keys to the kingdom, with the ability to manage other users, save data, and access PlayStation Network features. Knowing the structure will help you navigate the system settings with ease.

Primary vs. Secondary Users

The primary user is the main account that has been activated as the primary system on the PS4. This account has several privileges, including the ability to download and share content with other users on the console. Secondary users are additional profiles that can play games and use the console but don’t have the same level of access.

Step-by-Step Guide to Deleting the Primary User

If you’ve lost access to your primary user account password, you might feel locked out of your own console. However, there are steps you can take to regain control and delete the primary user account.

Initiating Safe Mode

Safe Mode allows you to start your PS4 with only the most basic functions. The following steps will guide you through entering Safe Mode:

  • Turn off the PS4 completely (not in Rest Mode).
  • Once the console is off, press and hold the power button. Release it after you’ve heard two beeps: one when you initially press, and another seven seconds later.
  • Connect the DualShock 4 controller with the USB cable and press the PS button on the controller.

You are now in Safe Mode, which will enable you to perform the next steps.

Reinitializing Your PS4

Reinitializing your PS4 will delete all the data on the console, including the primary user account. This is a last resort method when you cannot access the primary account due to a forgotten password.

  • In Safe Mode, select “Initialize PS4 (Reinstall System Software).”
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.
  • Note that this will erase all data on the PS4, so ensure you have backed up any important data beforehand.

After reinitialization, your PS4 will be restored to its factory settings, and you can set up a new primary user account.

Preventative Measures and Account Recovery

To avoid the drastic step of reinitialization in the future, consider the following preventative measures and account recovery options.

Password Recovery

If you’ve forgotten your password but haven’t yet been locked out of your account, you can attempt to recover it through the PlayStation Network’s password reset feature. This requires access to the email associated with the PS4 account.

Two-Step Verification

Setting up two-step verification adds an extra layer of security to your account and can assist in the recovery process if you forget your password.

Backup Codes

When setting up two-step verification, you’ll receive backup codes. Keep these codes in a safe place, as they can be used to access your account if you lose your password.

FAQ Section

Can I delete a primary user without losing game data?

If you back up your game data to an external storage device or to the cloud (for PlayStation Plus members), you can restore it after deleting the primary user. Without a backup, game data will be lost upon deletion.

Is it possible to delete a primary user from a secondary account?

No, secondary accounts do not have the authority to delete a primary user. You must be logged in as the primary user or reinitialize the PS4 to remove the primary account.

What happens to purchased games if I delete the primary user?

Purchased games are tied to the PlayStation Network account that bought them. If you delete the primary user, you will lose access to those games unless you log in with the same account on a different or reset console.


Deleting the primary user on a PS4 without a password is a significant action that should be taken with caution. It’s a process that can lead to the loss of data and access to purchased content. Always ensure that you have exhausted all other options, such as password recovery, before proceeding with deletion. By understanding the PS4’s user hierarchy and following the steps outlined in this guide, you can navigate this challenging situation with confidence.


By taking proactive steps to secure your PS4 account and familiarizing yourself with the console’s recovery options, you can ensure a smooth gaming experience and keep your digital world within reach, even when unexpected challenges arise.

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