How to Convert Raw to Ntfs Without Losing Data Command Prompt

adminEdit By youmna mhmod2 March 2023Last Update :

Introduction to File System Conversion

When it comes to managing data on your hard drive, the file system plays a crucial role. It’s the framework that an operating system uses to keep track of files on a disk or partition. Among the various file systems available, NTFS (New Technology File System) is widely used in Windows environments due to its robustness, security features, and support for large volumes and files. Sometimes, users find themselves needing to convert their drives from RAW (a state where no recognizable file system is present) to NTFS without losing data. This can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, it’s entirely possible to achieve this conversion using the Command Prompt.

Understanding RAW and NTFS File Systems

Before diving into the conversion process, it’s essential to understand the difference between RAW and NTFS file systems. A RAW file system is often the result of a corrupted file system that is unrecognizable by the operating system. It can also occur when a disk is uninitialized. NTFS, on the other hand, is a stable file system that includes features like encryption, disk quotas, and detailed file permissions.

Why Convert RAW to NTFS?

There are several reasons why you might need to convert a RAW drive to NTFS:

  • Data Accessibility: To regain access to the files stored on a RAW drive.
  • System Compatibility: To ensure compatibility with Windows operating systems.
  • Performance: NTFS is known for its reliability and efficiency in handling large files and volumes.
  • Security: NTFS supports advanced security features that are not available in RAW file systems.

Preparing for Conversion

Before attempting to convert your RAW drive to NTFS, it’s crucial to take some preparatory steps to ensure the safety of your data:

  • Backup your data: If possible, back up the data on the RAW drive to another storage device.
  • Check the drive for errors: Use disk checking tools to scan for and fix any errors on the drive.
  • Ensure power stability: To prevent any interruptions during the conversion process, make sure your computer is connected to a reliable power source.

Using Command Prompt for Conversion

The Command Prompt in Windows is a powerful tool that can be used to convert a RAW file system to NTFS without losing data. The process involves using the chkdsk and convert commands. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Step 1: Open Command Prompt with Administrative Privileges

To begin, you need to open the Command Prompt with administrative rights. This can be done by searching for ‘cmd’ in the Start menu, right-clicking on ‘Command Prompt’, and selecting ‘Run as administrator’.

Step 2: Use CHKDSK to Repair the RAW Drive

The first command we’ll use is chkdsk. This utility checks the disk for errors and attempts to repair them. To use chkdsk, type the following command, replacing ‘X’ with the letter of your RAW drive:

chkdsk X: /f /r

The /f parameter tells chkdsk to fix any errors it finds, and /r instructs it to locate bad sectors on the drive and recover readable information.

Step 3: Convert the File System to NTFS

If chkdsk successfully repairs the file system, you can proceed to convert the drive to NTFS using the convert command. Enter the following command, again replacing ‘X’ with your drive letter:

convert X: /fs:ntfs

This command will convert the file system on the drive to NTFS without affecting the data stored on it.

Step 4: Verify the Conversion

After the conversion process is complete, it’s important to verify that the drive is now using the NTFS file system. You can do this by checking the drive’s properties in File Explorer or by using the fsutil command:

fsutil fsinfo volumeinfo X:

This command will provide information about the file system of the specified drive.

Recovering Data if Conversion Fails

In some cases, the conversion process might fail, or the data on the drive may still be inaccessible. If this happens, you may need to use data recovery software to retrieve your files. There are many data recovery tools available that can scan a RAW drive and recover files to another storage device.

FAQ Section

Can I convert a RAW drive to NTFS without formatting?

Yes, using the Command Prompt method described above, you can convert a RAW drive to NTFS without formatting and without losing data, provided that the drive is not physically damaged.

Is it safe to convert a RAW drive to NTFS using Command Prompt?

While the Command Prompt method is generally safe, there is always a risk of data loss when working with file systems. It’s recommended to back up your data before attempting the conversion.

What should I do if chkdsk cannot repair the RAW drive?

If chkdsk is unable to repair the drive, it may be physically damaged, or the corruption may be too severe. In such cases, data recovery software may be your best option to retrieve the files.

How long does the conversion process take?

The time it takes to convert a RAW drive to NTFS can vary depending on the size of the drive and the extent of the corruption. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours.

Can I convert other file systems to NTFS using Command Prompt?

Yes, the Command Prompt can also be used to convert file systems like FAT32 to NTFS using similar methods.


Converting a RAW drive to NTFS using the Command Prompt is a technical process that can save your data from being lost. By following the steps outlined in this guide, users can safely transition their drives to the more reliable NTFS file system. Always remember to back up your data and proceed with caution when working with disk operations to minimize the risk of data loss.


For further reading and more detailed information on file systems and data recovery, you can refer to the following sources:

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