How To Change My Instagram Password Without Knowing It

adminEdit By tarek radwan13 March 2023Last Update :

Securing Your Instagram: A Guide to Password Reset

In the digital age, safeguarding our online presence is paramount, and Instagram, being one of the most popular social media platforms, is no exception. Whether you’ve forgotten your password or suspect unauthorized access to your account, knowing how to reset your Instagram password is crucial. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to change your Instagram password without knowing the current one, ensuring you can regain control and maintain the security of your account.

Understanding the Need for Password Management

Before we delve into the steps of resetting your password, it’s important to understand why managing your passwords effectively is essential. Cybersecurity threats are ever-evolving, and weak or compromised passwords can be the gateway for hackers to access your personal information. Regularly updating your passwords and ensuring they are strong and unique can significantly reduce the risk of security breaches.

Resetting Your Instagram Password

If you find yourself unable to recall your Instagram password, don’t panic. Instagram provides a straightforward process for resetting your password, even if you can’t remember the current one. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Access the Login Help Page

Begin by opening the Instagram app on your mobile device or navigating to the Instagram website on your desktop. On the login screen, you’ll find an option that says “Forgot password?” or “Trouble logging in?” Tap or click on this to be directed to the Login Help page.

Step 2: Provide Your Account Information

You’ll be prompted to enter the email address, username, or phone number associated with your Instagram account. Ensure you provide the correct information so that Instagram can locate your account for the password reset process.

Step 3: Choose Your Reset Method

Instagram offers several methods to reset your password. You can choose to receive a reset link via email, an SMS text message, or, if you’ve linked your account to Facebook, you can log in through Facebook to reset your password.

Step 4: Follow the Reset Instructions

Once you’ve selected your preferred reset method, follow the instructions provided. If you chose email or SMS, you would receive a password reset link. Click on the link and you’ll be taken to a page where you can create a new password. If you opted to use Facebook, you’ll be guided through the process after logging into your Facebook account.

Step 5: Create a New Password

When creating a new password, make sure it’s strong and unique. A combination of letters, numbers, and special characters is recommended. Avoid using easily guessable information like your name or birthdate.

Step 6: Log In with Your New Password

After setting your new password, return to the Instagram login page and enter your username and the new password. You should now have access to your account with the updated security credentials.

Best Practices for Password Security

To keep your Instagram account secure, follow these best practices for password security:

  • Regular Updates: Change your passwords periodically to reduce the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Complexity: Use a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols in your passwords.
  • Uniqueness: Avoid reusing passwords across different accounts and services.
  • Password Managers: Consider using a password manager to generate and store complex passwords securely.
  • Two-Factor Authentication: Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your Instagram account for an added layer of security.

Recovering Your Account: Case Studies and Statistics

Instances of individuals losing access to their Instagram accounts are not uncommon. In many cases, users have successfully recovered their accounts by following the password reset process. According to a report by the University of Maryland, a cyber attack occurs every 39 seconds, which often involves compromised passwords. This statistic underscores the importance of maintaining strong password hygiene to protect your online accounts.

FAQ Section

What if I don’t have access to the email or phone number associated with my Instagram account?

If you no longer have access to the email or phone number linked to your Instagram account, you can try contacting Instagram support for further assistance. They may require additional information to verify your identity and help you regain access to your account.

Can I use my Facebook account to reset my Instagram password?

Yes, if your Instagram account is linked to your Facebook account, you can use Facebook to reset your Instagram password. This option will be available during the password reset process.

How often should I change my Instagram password?

While there’s no set rule for how often you should change your password, it’s generally recommended to update it every few months or whenever you suspect your account may be compromised.

Is two-factor authentication really necessary?

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your account by requiring a second form of verification in addition to your password. It’s a highly recommended security measure that can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access.


Changing your Instagram password without knowing the current one is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. By following the guidelines provided in this article and adhering to best practices for password security, you can ensure that your Instagram account remains safe and secure. Remember to regularly update your passwords, use complex and unique combinations, and enable two-factor authentication to protect your digital identity.


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