How to Add a Picture to a Reddit Post

adminEdit By youmna mhmod19 February 2023Last Update :

Introduction to Visual Storytelling on Reddit

In the vast expanse of the internet, Reddit stands out as a bustling hub where communities gather to share stories, information, and opinions. With its unique subculture and diverse array of topics, Reddit is a platform where visual content can significantly enhance the storytelling experience. Whether you’re a seasoned Redditor or new to the platform, adding a picture to your post can be a game-changer, transforming your narrative and engaging your audience on a deeper level. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of incorporating images into your Reddit posts, ensuring your visual content stands out in the sea of text.

Understanding Reddit’s Platform for Image Sharing

Before diving into the technicalities of adding a picture to a Reddit post, it’s essential to understand the platform’s approach to image sharing. Reddit, as a community-driven site, has specific rules and formats that cater to the sharing of visual content. By grasping these nuances, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the platform and share your images effectively.

Subreddit-Specific Rules

Each subreddit on Reddit has its own set of rules and guidelines, which can include specifications for posting images. It’s crucial to familiarize yourself with these rules to ensure your post is not removed by moderators. Some subreddits may restrict image sizes, types, or even prohibit images altogether, so always check the community guidelines before posting.

Supported Image Formats

Reddit supports a variety of image formats, including JPEG, PNG, GIF, and more. However, the platform has size limitations, and it’s advisable to keep your images under 20 MB and GIFs under 100 MB to ensure smooth uploading.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding a Picture to Your Reddit Post

Now that you’re familiar with the basics, let’s walk through the process of adding a picture to your Reddit post. Whether you’re on desktop or mobile, the following steps will guide you through the procedure.

Posting on Desktop

If you’re using Reddit on a desktop computer, follow these steps to add a picture to your post:

  1. Navigate to the subreddit where you want to make your post.
  2. Click on the “Create Post” button or the pencil icon, depending on the subreddit’s layout.
  3. Select the “Image & Video” tab to upload your visual content.
  4. Click on the “Choose File” button to select an image from your computer, or drag and drop the file into the designated area.
  5. Add a title to your post, and include any relevant text or commentary in the text box.
  6. Review the subreddit’s rules one last time to ensure your post complies.
  7. Click “Post” to share your image with the community.

Posting on Mobile

For Redditors on the go, adding a picture to a post via the mobile app involves a slightly different process:

  1. Open the Reddit app and navigate to the subreddit of your choice.
  2. Tap the pencil icon to start creating a new post.
  3. Select the “Image” option from the post types available.
  4. Upload your image by tapping on the library icon to choose an existing photo or the camera icon to take a new one.
  5. Enter a title for your post and any additional text if necessary.
  6. Ensure your post adheres to the subreddit’s guidelines.
  7. Tap “Post” to upload your image to the subreddit.

Optimizing Your Images for Reddit

To ensure your images make the most significant impact on Reddit, it’s important to optimize them for the platform. Here are some tips to help your pictures look their best:

  • Resolution: High-resolution images are more appealing and professional. Aim for a resolution that is clear but also mindful of Reddit’s size limitations.
  • Aspect Ratio: Consider the aspect ratio of your image. Square or landscape-oriented images tend to display better on Reddit’s layout.
  • Loading Times: Compress your images to reduce loading times, especially for users on mobile devices or slower internet connections.
  • Relevance: Make sure your image is directly relevant to the subreddit’s topic and your post’s content to engage the right audience.

Engaging the Reddit Community with Your Images

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but on Reddit, the story behind the image can be just as important. Engage with your audience by providing context for your image in the post title or comments. Encourage discussion and be responsive to any questions or feedback from fellow Redditors.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Posting Images

While adding pictures to your Reddit posts can be straightforward, there are some common pitfalls you should be aware of:

  • Ignoring Subreddit Rules: Always read and follow the specific rules of the subreddit to avoid having your post removed.
  • Posting Low-Quality Images: Blurry or pixelated images can detract from your post’s message and lead to downvotes.
  • Overlooking Copyright Issues: Only post images you have the rights to or that are in the public domain to avoid copyright infringement.
  • Spamming: Avoid posting too many images in a short period, as this can be seen as spamming and may result in a ban.

FAQ Section

Let’s address some frequently asked questions related to adding pictures to Reddit posts.

Can I add multiple pictures to a single Reddit post?

Yes, you can add multiple pictures by creating an image gallery when you select the ‘Image & Video’ tab during the post creation process.

Why can’t I add a picture to my Reddit post?

If you’re unable to add a picture, it could be due to subreddit restrictions, file size limitations, or an unsupported image format. Check the subreddit’s rules and your image’s properties to troubleshoot the issue.

Can I edit a Reddit post to add a picture after it’s been published?

No, Reddit does not allow you to edit posts to add images after they have been published. You would need to delete the original post and create a new one with the image included.

Is there a way to add a picture in a Reddit comment?

Reddit comments do not support direct image uploads. However, you can share an image in a comment by posting a link to the image hosted on an external site like Imgur.


Adding a picture to your Reddit post can significantly enhance your message and engage your audience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, optimizing your images for the platform, and engaging with the community, you can create visually compelling posts that resonate with fellow Redditors. Remember to always respect subreddit rules and copyright laws, and you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of visual storytelling on Reddit.


For further reading and resources on posting images to Reddit and optimizing visual content, consider exploring the following:

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