Chrome Remote Desktop Unable to Reach the Host This is Probably Due to the Configuration

adminEdit By youmna mhmod16 February 2023Last Update :

Introduction to Chrome Remote Desktop Connectivity Issues

Remote desktop services have become an integral part of the modern workflow, allowing users to access their computers from anywhere in the world. Google’s Chrome Remote Desktop is a popular choice for its simplicity and ease of use. However, users may occasionally encounter the frustrating message: “Unable to reach the host. This is probably due to the configuration.” This article delves into the reasons behind this connectivity issue and provides a comprehensive guide to troubleshooting and resolving it.

Understanding Chrome Remote Desktop

Before we tackle the problem, it’s important to understand what Chrome Remote Desktop is and how it operates. Chrome Remote Desktop is a remote access application that allows users to control another computer through the Chrome browser or a Chromebook. It’s a convenient tool for IT professionals, remote workers, and anyone needing access to a distant computer.

Common Causes of Connectivity Issues

Several factors can contribute to Chrome Remote Desktop’s inability to reach the host. These can range from network issues to software conflicts. Here are some of the most common causes:

  • Network Configuration: Incorrect router settings or firewall restrictions can block the connection.
  • Host Computer Settings: The host machine might be asleep, powered off, or not connected to the internet.
  • Software Conflicts: Other remote desktop software or security programs can interfere with Chrome Remote Desktop.
  • Google Account Issues: Problems with your Google account can prevent Chrome Remote Desktop from authenticating properly.
  • Outdated Software: Running outdated versions of Chrome or Chrome Remote Desktop can lead to compatibility issues.

Diagnosing the Problem

When faced with the “Unable to reach the host” message, the first step is to diagnose the issue. This involves checking the status of both the host and client computers. Ensure that the host computer is turned on, connected to the internet, and not in sleep mode. On the client side, verify that you have a stable internet connection and that you’re logged into the correct Google account.

Troubleshooting Network Configuration

If the basics are in order, the next step is to examine the network configuration. This involves checking the router settings to ensure that the necessary ports are open and that the firewall is not blocking Chrome Remote Desktop. The application typically uses ports 443 (HTTPS) and 5222 (XMPP). If you’re unsure how to configure your router, consult the manufacturer’s documentation or contact your internet service provider.

Resolving Software Conflicts

Software conflicts can also prevent Chrome Remote Desktop from connecting. If you have other remote desktop applications installed, try disabling or uninstalling them to see if that resolves the issue. Additionally, security software can sometimes misidentify Chrome Remote Desktop as a threat. Adding an exception for Chrome Remote Desktop in your antivirus or firewall settings can help.

Updating Software and Extensions

Running the latest version of Chrome and Chrome Remote Desktop can eliminate many connectivity problems. Check for updates in Chrome by navigating to chrome://settings/help and update the Chrome Remote Desktop extension through the Chrome Web Store. Keeping your software up-to-date ensures compatibility and security.

Google Account Troubleshooting

Issues with your Google account can also disrupt Chrome Remote Desktop. Ensure that you’re logged into the account associated with Chrome Remote Desktop on both the host and client. If necessary, sign out and sign back in to refresh the authentication tokens.

Advanced Solutions

If the problem persists, more advanced solutions may be required. This could involve delving into system logs to identify errors or reaching out to Google’s support forums for assistance. In some cases, network administrators may need to adjust enterprise-level security settings to accommodate Chrome Remote Desktop.

Case Studies and Examples

To illustrate these solutions in action, consider the case of a small business that encountered the “Unable to reach the host” error. After reviewing their network configuration, they discovered that their firewall was blocking the necessary ports. By adjusting their firewall settings, they were able to restore connectivity and resume normal operations.

Statistics on Remote Desktop Usage

The reliance on remote desktop solutions has grown significantly, especially with the rise of remote work. According to recent statistics, the global remote desktop software market size is expected to expand at a considerable growth rate in the coming years. This underscores the importance of understanding and resolving connectivity issues like the one discussed in this article.

FAQ Section

What should I do if Chrome Remote Desktop can’t reach the host?

Begin by checking the host computer’s power and internet connection, then proceed to troubleshoot network settings, software conflicts, and ensure your software is up-to-date.

How do I update Chrome Remote Desktop?

Update Chrome Remote Desktop by visiting the Chrome Web Store and selecting the extension. If an update is available, it will be indicated there.

Can firewall settings affect Chrome Remote Desktop?

Yes, firewall settings can block Chrome Remote Desktop. Ensure that the necessary ports are open and that the application is allowed through the firewall.

What ports does Chrome Remote Desktop use?

Chrome Remote Desktop typically uses ports 443 (HTTPS) and 5222 (XMPP).

Is it safe to open ports for Chrome Remote Desktop?

Opening ports can pose a security risk if not managed properly. However, ports 443 and 5222 are commonly used for secure connections and should be safe if your network is otherwise secure.


Chrome Remote Desktop is a powerful tool for remote access, but connectivity issues can arise. By understanding the common causes and following a structured approach to troubleshooting, users can often resolve the “Unable to reach the host” error on their own. Remember to keep software updated, check network configurations, and consult with IT professionals if necessary.


For further reading and technical details, refer to the official Chrome Remote Desktop support page and networking guides from reputable sources. Additionally, cybersecurity best practices should be consulted when adjusting firewall and router settings.

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