Removing Spaces After Text in Excel

admin27 March 2023Last Update :

Introduction to Excel Space Management

Microsoft Excel is a powerhouse when it comes to data organization and analysis. One common issue that users encounter is the presence of unwanted spaces after text within cells. These trailing spaces can disrupt data consistency, affect sorting, and interfere with functions and formulas. In this article, we will delve into the art of removing spaces after text in Excel, ensuring your data is clean and primed for accurate analysis.

Understanding the Impact of Trailing Spaces

Before we explore the solutions, it’s important to understand why trailing spaces can be problematic. They can lead to issues such as:

  • Inconsistent data formatting
  • Errors in functions that rely on text matches
  • Complications in data validation processes
  • Difficulties in sorting and filtering data accurately

With these potential issues in mind, let’s look at how we can tackle and remove unwanted spaces in Excel.

Manual Methods for Space Removal

Sometimes, the simplest solutions are manual. If you’re dealing with a small dataset, you might consider manually clicking into each cell and using the backspace key to remove spaces. However, this method is not practical for larger datasets and can be prone to human error.

Using Excel’s TRIM Function

A more efficient way to remove trailing spaces is by using Excel’s TRIM function. This function is designed to remove all spaces from a text string except for single spaces between words. Here’s how you can use it:


This formula will remove all leading and trailing spaces from the text in cell A1. To apply this to an entire column, simply drag the fill handle down or double-click it if you’re working with a contiguous range of cells.

Applying TRIM to Multiple Cells

If you need to apply the TRIM function to multiple cells at once, you can use an array formula (in versions prior to Excel 365) or leverage the spill range feature in Excel 365. Here’s an example of an array formula:


Remember to press Ctrl + Shift + Enter after typing the formula to make it an array formula. In Excel 365, simply enter the formula and it will automatically spill the results to the adjacent cells.

Find and Replace Method

Another quick method to remove trailing spaces is using the Find and Replace feature. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Press Ctrl + H to open the Find and Replace dialog box.
  2. In the ‘Find what’ box, type a space using the spacebar.
  3. Leave the ‘Replace with’ box empty.
  4. Click ‘Replace All’.

This method will remove all spaces, so it’s not ideal if you want to preserve spaces between words. Use it with caution.

Using Excel Functions for Advanced Space Removal

For more control over space removal, you can combine Excel functions. For instance, if you want to remove only trailing spaces and not spaces between words, you could use a combination of LENTRIM, and RIGHT functions:


This formula calculates the length of the trimmed text and uses that to determine how many characters to extract from the right side of the original text, effectively removing trailing spaces.

Utilizing Power Query to Strip Spaces

Power Query is a powerful tool for data transformation in Excel. It can also be used to remove spaces. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Go to the ‘Data’ tab and select ‘From Table/Range’ to load your data into Power Query.
  2. Once your data is in Power Query, select the column you want to trim.
  3. Go to the ‘Transform’ tab and select ‘Trim’.
  4. After trimming the spaces, click ‘Close & Load’ to return the cleaned data to Excel.

Power Query is particularly useful for large datasets and can be automated for recurring use.

Creating Custom Macros for Space Removal

For those comfortable with VBA, creating a macro can be a powerful way to remove trailing spaces. Here’s a simple macro that does just that:

Sub RemoveTrailingSpaces()
    Dim cell As Range
    For Each cell In Selection
        cell.Value = RTrim(cell.Value)
    Next cell
End Sub

This macro uses the RTrim function to remove spaces from the right side of the text in each selected cell.

FAQ Section

Why doesn’t the TRIM function remove all spaces?

The TRIM function is designed to remove extra spaces from text except for single spaces between words. If you have non-breaking spaces (character code 160), TRIM won’t remove them. You’ll need to use the SUBSTITUTE function to tackle those.

Can I remove spaces from numbers formatted as text?

Yes, you can use the same methods described for text. However, if you want to convert the numbers to a numeric format after removing spaces, you’ll need to use the VALUE function or simply multiply the text by 1.

How do I remove non-breaking spaces in Excel?

You can use the SUBSTITUTE function to replace non-breaking spaces with regular spaces and then apply TRIM. Here’s an example:


Is there a way to remove spaces in Excel without using formulas?

Yes, you can use the Find and Replace feature or Power Query as described earlier. These methods do not require formulas.

Can I remove trailing spaces in Excel Online?

Yes, Excel Online supports most of the same functions as the desktop version, including TRIM and Find and Replace. However, Power Query and VBA macros are not available in Excel Online.


Removing spaces after text in Excel is essential for maintaining data integrity and ensuring accurate analysis. Whether you choose to use built-in functions like TRIM, leverage Power Query, or write custom VBA macros, Excel offers a variety of tools to clean up your data. By following the methods outlined in this article, you can efficiently eliminate those pesky trailing spaces and keep your datasets in pristine condition.


For further reading and advanced techniques on managing spaces in Excel, consider exploring the following resources:

These resources offer a wealth of information for both novice and advanced Excel users looking to enhance their data management skills.

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