How to Use Linest Function in Excel

admin27 March 2023Last Update :

Unlocking the Power of Excel’s LINEST Function

Excel is a powerhouse tool for data analysis, and one of its most potent features for statistical work is the LINEST function. This function is a treasure trove for anyone looking to perform linear regression analysis, which is a fundamental aspect of statistical modeling. Whether you’re a student, a business analyst, or a researcher, understanding how to harness the LINEST function can elevate your data analysis skills to new heights. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the intricacies of the LINEST function, providing you with the knowledge to use it effectively in your Excel endeavors.

Understanding the LINEST Function

Before we delve into the practical applications, let’s first understand what the LINEST function is and what it does. The LINEST function in Excel is designed to perform linear regression analysis, which is a method to model the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. The function returns an array of values that describe the best fit straight line through a set of points.

LINEST Function Syntax

The syntax for the LINEST function is as follows:

=LINEST(known_y's, [known_x's], [const], [stats])


  • known_y’s: The set of y-values you already know in the relationship y = mx + b.
  • known_x’s: The set of x-values you may already know. If omitted, it assumes an array of 1, 2, 3, etc.
  • const: A logical value specifying whether to force the constant b to equal 0. If TRUE or omitted, b is calculated normally. If FALSE, b is set to 0, and the m-values are adjusted to fit y = mx.
  • stats: A logical value that, if TRUE, returns additional regression statistics. If FALSE or omitted, it only returns the m-coefficients and the constant b.

What LINEST Returns

When you use the LINEST function with the ‘stats’ argument set to TRUE, it returns an array that includes:

  • The m-coefficients for each independent variable.
  • The constant b.
  • The standard error for each coefficient.
  • The R-squared value.
  • The standard error for the y estimates.
  • F-statistic.
  • Degrees of freedom.
  • Regression sum of squares.
  • Residual sum of squares.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using LINEST

Now that we have a grasp of what the LINEST function is, let’s walk through how to use it with a step-by-step guide.

Preparing Your Data

Firstly, ensure your data is organized. You should have your dependent variable (y-values) in one column and your independent variable(s) (x-values) in adjacent columns. For multiple regression, each independent variable should have its own column.

Single Variable Linear Regression

Let’s start with a simple example of single variable linear regression. Suppose you have a dataset of advertising spend (independent variable) and sales (dependent variable), and you want to find out how sales are affected by advertising spend.


Here’s a small dataset for illustration:

Advertising Spend (x) | Sales (y)
$1,000                | $10,000
$2,000                | $20,000
$3,000                | $35,000
$4,000                | $40,000
$5,000                | $55,000

To use the LINEST function, follow these steps:

  • Select a 2-cell horizontal range to input the function.
  • Type in the LINEST function:
    =LINEST(B2:B6, A2:A6)
  • Press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to enter the function as an array formula. Excel will return the slope (m) and intercept (b) in the two cells you selected.

Multiple Variable Linear Regression

For multiple regression, the process is similar, but you’ll need to select more cells for the output array to accommodate the additional coefficients.


Suppose you have a dataset with advertising spend, store size, and sales:

Advertising Spend (x1) | Store Size (x2) | Sales (y)
$1,000                  | 500 sq ft       | $10,000
$2,000                  | 700 sq ft       | $20,000
$3,000                  | 800 sq ft       | $35,000
$4,000                  | 900 sq ft       | $40,000
$5,000                  | 1,100 sq ft     | $55,000

To perform multiple regression analysis:

  • Select a 3-cell horizontal range for the slope coefficients and intercept.
  • Type in the LINEST function:
    =LINEST(C2:C6, A2:B6)
  • Press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to enter the function as an array formula.

Accessing Additional Statistics

If you want to access the additional statistics that LINEST can provide, you’ll need to select a larger array. For a single variable regression, select a 5-row by 2-column range, and for multiple regression, select a 5-row by (number of x variables + 1) column range.


Using the same data as the multiple regression example above, to get additional statistics:

  • Select a 5-row by 3-column range.
  • Type in the LINEST function with the ‘stats’ argument set to TRUE:
    =LINEST(C2:C6, A2:B6, TRUE, TRUE)
  • Press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to enter the function as an array formula.

Interpreting LINEST Output

Understanding the output of the LINEST function is crucial for making informed decisions based on your regression analysis. The slope coefficients indicate the change in the dependent variable for a one-unit change in the independent variable(s). The intercept represents the value of the dependent variable when all independent variables are zero. The additional statistics provide insights into the reliability and fit of your regression model.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

To get the most out of the LINEST function, here are some advanced tips:

  • Use named ranges for your data to make your formulas easier to read and manage.
  • Remember that LINEST assumes that your x-values are not error-free. If this is not the case, you may need to use other methods.
  • For visual representation, you can plot your data and the regression line using Excel’s chart features.
  • Always check the R-squared value to understand how well your model explains the variability of the dependent variable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can LINEST be used for non-linear regression?

No, LINEST is specifically designed for linear regression. For non-linear regression, you would need to use other methods or tools.

How do I know if my regression model is a good fit?

The R-squared value is a key indicator of model fit. Values closer to 1 suggest a better fit, whereas values closer to 0 suggest a poor fit.

What if my data has errors in both x and y variables?

LINEST assumes that only the y-values have errors. If both x and y have errors, you might need to use more advanced statistical techniques such as total least squares or errors-in-variables models.

Can I use LINEST for time series data?

Yes, you can use LINEST for time series data, but you should be aware of the assumptions of linear regression and ensure that they are met by your data.


The LINEST function is a powerful feature in Excel that opens up the world of linear regression analysis to users at all levels. By following the steps outlined in this article and understanding how to interpret the results, you can perform robust statistical analyses directly within your spreadsheets. Whether you’re predicting future trends, analyzing business performance, or conducting academic research, the LINEST function is an invaluable tool in your Excel arsenal.


For further reading and advanced techniques, consider exploring the following resources:

  • Microsoft Office Support: LINEST function
  • Statistics textbooks and online courses for a deeper understanding of linear regression analysis.
  • Excel forums and communities for peer support and advanced problem-solving.
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