How to Sort by First Name in Excel

adminEdit By nancy sherif28 March 2023Last Update :

Mastering the Art of Sorting by First Name in Excel

Microsoft Excel is a powerhouse when it comes to organizing and manipulating data. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a beginner, understanding how to sort data efficiently can save you time and help you gain insights from your datasets. One common task that many users encounter is sorting a list by first names. This might seem straightforward, but with Excel’s robust features, there are several ways to achieve this. Let’s dive into the methods that will turn you into an Excel sorting wizard.

Understanding the Basics of Sorting in Excel

Before we delve into sorting by first names, it’s essential to grasp the basic concepts of sorting in Excel. Sorting can be done in ascending or descending order and can be applied to text, numbers, dates, and more. Excel’s sorting feature is accessible from the Data tab on the Ribbon, where you can find various options to customize your sorting criteria.

Preparing Your Data for Sorting

Before sorting by first name, ensure your data is set up correctly. Ideally, you should have a column dedicated to first names. If your data includes full names in a single column, you’ll need to split the names into separate columns for first and last names. You can use Excel’s Text to Columns feature or formulas to accomplish this.

Sorting by First Name Using the Sort Feature

Once your data is prepared, you can use the Sort feature to organize your list by first names. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Select the column containing the first names.
  • Go to the Data tab on the Ribbon.
  • Click on the ‘Sort A to Z’ button to sort names in ascending order or ‘Sort Z to A’ for descending order.

If you have a header row, make sure to check the ‘My data has headers’ option in the Sort dialog box to avoid sorting the header into your data.

Sorting with Multiple Columns

If you want to sort by first name and then by another criterion, such as last name or date of birth, Excel allows you to add levels to your sort:

  • Select your entire data range.
  • Go to the Data tab and click on the ‘Sort’ button to open the Sort dialog box.
  • Add a level and choose the additional column and sort order.

This multi-level sorting ensures that if two first names are identical, the second criterion will determine their order.

Using Custom Sort Options for Complex Data

Excel’s custom sort options come in handy when dealing with more complex data sets. You can sort by cell color, font color, or cell icon, in addition to sorting by values. This is particularly useful when you’ve used conditional formatting to highlight specific data points.

Sorting by Cell Color or Conditional Formatting

To sort by cell color or conditional formatting:

  • Select your data range.
  • Open the Sort dialog box from the Data tab.
  • Choose the column to sort by and then select ‘Cell Color’, ‘Font Color’, or ‘Cell Icon’ from the ‘Sort On’ dropdown menu.
  • Specify the order based on your formatting.

This feature allows you to bring attention to particular data points after sorting by first name.

Advanced Sorting with Formulas

For those who love diving into Excel’s formula capabilities, sorting by first name can be achieved using functions like INDEX, MATCH, and ROW. This method is particularly useful when you want to sort data without altering the original order of your dataset.

Creating a Dynamic Sorted List with Formulas

Here’s an example of how to create a dynamically sorted list:

=INDEX($A$2:$A$11, MATCH(ROWS($A$2:A2), COUNTIF($A$2:$A$11, "<="&$A$2:$A$11), 0))

This array formula, entered with Ctrl+Shift+Enter, creates a new list that is sorted based on the original column of first names. It’s a non-destructive way to view sorted data.

Sorting by First Name in a Pivot Table

Pivot Tables are another powerful feature of Excel that allows for dynamic data analysis. If you have a Pivot Table, you can easily sort by first name:

  • Click on the Pivot Table to activate the Pivot Table Tools on the Ribbon.
  • Select the first name field in the Rows or Columns area.
  • Use the ‘Sort A to Z’ or ‘Sort Z to A’ buttons on the Ribbon to sort the names.

Pivot Tables also allow for multi-level sorting, similar to the standard sort feature.

Sorting by First Name Using Macros and VBA

For those who are comfortable with Excel’s programming language, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), creating a macro to sort by first name can automate the process for recurring tasks. Here’s a simple VBA code snippet that sorts a specified range by the first column:

Sub SortByFirstName()
    Range("A1:B10").Sort Key1:=Range("A2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes
End Sub

This macro can be customized to fit the specific range and columns of your dataset.

FAQ Section

How do I sort by first name when names are in a single column?

You’ll need to split the full names into separate columns using the Text to Columns feature or a formula like LEFT and FIND. Once you have a dedicated first name column, you can sort using the methods described above.

Can I sort by first name without affecting the rest of my data?

Yes, you can use formulas to create a dynamically sorted list or sort within a Pivot Table to avoid altering your original data.

Is it possible to sort by first name in Excel Online or Google Sheets?

Yes, both Excel Online and Google Sheets offer similar sorting functionalities. The steps are comparable to those in the desktop version of Excel.

What if I want to sort by last name after sorting by first name?

You can use the multi-level sorting feature in Excel to add a second level of sorting by last name after you’ve sorted by first name.

Can I undo a sort in Excel?

Yes, you can undo a sort by pressing Ctrl + Z immediately after performing the sort. However, if you’ve made changes after sorting, it’s best to have a backup of your original data.


Sorting by first name in Excel is a fundamental skill that can be achieved through various methods, depending on your needs and proficiency with the tool. Whether you prefer using the Sort feature, formulas, Pivot Tables, or VBA, Excel offers a solution for organizing your data efficiently. By mastering these techniques, you’ll enhance your data analysis capabilities and streamline your workflow.

Remember to always back up your data before performing sorts, especially when working with large or critical datasets. With practice, sorting by first name will become second nature, allowing you to focus on the more strategic aspects of data management and analysis.

Excel’s versatility in handling data continues to make it an indispensable tool for professionals across industries. By leveraging its sorting capabilities, you can ensure that your data is always presented in the most useful and accessible way possible.

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