How to Remove First Digit in Excel

adminEdit By nancy sherif29 March 2023Last Update :

Mastering Digit Manipulation in Excel: Removing the First Digit

Excel is a powerhouse tool for data analysis and manipulation. One common task that users may encounter is the need to remove the first digit from a series of numbers. This could be necessary for a variety of reasons, such as formatting product codes or adjusting numerical data. In this article, we will explore several methods to efficiently remove the first digit from numbers in Excel, ensuring that you can handle this task with ease and confidence.

Understanding the Basics of Excel Functions

Before diving into the specific techniques for removing the first digit, it’s important to have a grasp of Excel functions and formulas. These are the building blocks that will allow us to perform complex tasks with simple instructions. Excel functions are predefined formulas that perform calculations using specific values, called arguments, in a particular order.

Method 1: Using Text Functions

One of the most straightforward methods to remove the first digit from a number in Excel is by using text functions. Since Excel can treat numbers as text strings, we can manipulate them using functions designed for text processing.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using RIGHT and LEN Functions

The RIGHT function is used to extract a certain number of characters from the right side of a text string. The LEN function, on the other hand, returns the length of a text string. By combining these two functions, we can isolate and remove the first digit of a number.

=RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-1)

In this formula, A1 represents the cell containing the number from which you want to remove the first digit. The LEN(A1) part calculates the total number of digits in the number, and subtracting 1 gives us the length without the first digit. The RIGHT function then extracts this number of characters from the right, effectively removing the first digit.

Example: Removing the First Digit from Product Codes

Imagine you have a list of product codes where the first digit is a category identifier that you no longer need. By applying the formula above to each product code, you can quickly generate a new list with the first digit removed.

Method 2: Utilizing Mathematical Operations

If you’re working with numerical data and want to remove the first digit, you can also use mathematical operations. This method is particularly useful when dealing with numbers rather than text strings.

Dividing by Powers of 10

For numbers of a fixed length, you can divide the number by a power of 10 to shift the decimal point and truncate the first digit.

=MOD(A1, 10^(LEN(A1)-1))

In this formula, MOD is used to find the remainder after division, effectively removing the leading digit. The power of 10 is determined by the length of the number minus one, ensuring that we divide by the correct magnitude.

Example: Adjusting Serial Numbers

Consider a scenario where you have a list of fixed-length serial numbers, and you need to remove the first digit from each one. By applying the formula above, you can quickly create a new list of serial numbers with the first digit removed.

Method 3: Combining Excel Functions for Variable Length Numbers

When dealing with numbers of variable lengths, a more dynamic approach is required. This method combines several Excel functions to ensure that the first digit is removed regardless of the number’s length.

Using INT and LOG10 Functions

The INT function returns the integer part of a division, and the LOG10 function calculates the logarithm of a number to base 10, which can be used to determine the number of digits in a number.

=A1 - INT(A1 / 10^INT(LOG10(A1))) * 10^INT(LOG10(A1))

This formula calculates the highest power of 10 less than the number, which corresponds to the place value of the first digit. It then subtracts this value times the first digit from the original number, effectively removing the first digit.

Example: Processing Variable Length Account Numbers

If you have a list of account numbers of varying lengths and need to remove the first digit from each, this formula will adapt to the length of each number and perform the necessary calculation.

Method 4: Using Excel’s Text to Columns Feature

Excel’s Text to Columns feature is another tool that can be used to remove the first digit from numbers treated as text. This method is particularly useful when you want to split data based on specific delimiters or fixed widths.

Steps for Using Text to Columns

To use Text to Columns to remove the first digit, follow these steps:

  • Select the column containing the numbers.
  • Go to the Data tab and click on ‘Text to Columns’.
  • Choose ‘Fixed width’ and set the break line after the first digit.
  • Finish the wizard, and you will have the data split into two columns, with the first digit isolated.

Example: Organizing Data for Analysis

When preparing data for analysis, you might need to separate the first digit from the rest of the number for categorization purposes. Text to Columns allows you to do this quickly and without the need for complex formulas.

Method 5: Crafting Custom VBA Functions

For those who are comfortable with programming, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) provides a way to create custom functions that can remove the first digit from a number in Excel.

Creating a Simple VBA Function

To create a VBA function to remove the first digit, follow these steps:

  • Press ALT + F11 to open the VBA editor.
  • Go to Insert > Module to create a new module.
  • Write a custom function like the one below:

Function RemoveFirstDigit(value As Variant) As Variant
    RemoveFirstDigit = Right(value, Len(value) - 1)
End Function

You can then use this function in your Excel worksheet as follows:


This custom VBA function uses the same logic as the text function method but provides a more streamlined approach for users who need to perform this task frequently.

Example: Automating Data Cleaning Processes

In situations where data cleaning is a regular part of your workflow, having a custom VBA function can save time and reduce the potential for errors.

FAQ Section

Can these methods be applied to numbers with decimal points?

Yes, these methods can be applied to numbers with decimal points. However, for mathematical operations, ensure that the decimal is not treated as a digit. For text functions, the decimal point is considered a character and will not affect the removal of the first digit.

What if the first digit appears multiple times in the number?

The methods described will only remove the first occurrence of the digit at the beginning of the number. Any subsequent occurrences of that digit within the number will remain unaffected.

How can I remove the first digit from a number in a formatted cell, such as a date or currency?

For formatted cells, you will first need to convert the cell’s content to a plain number or text format before applying these methods. This can be done using Excel’s formatting options or by using additional functions like TEXT or VALUE.

Is it possible to remove the first digit from multiple cells at once?

Yes, you can apply these methods to multiple cells by dragging the fill handle or using the fill down feature in Excel. This will copy the formula or function to the selected cells.

Can I undo the removal of the first digit if I make a mistake?

If you make a mistake, you can undo the action immediately by pressing CTRL + Z. However, it’s always a good practice to make a backup of your data before performing bulk operations.


Removing the first digit from numbers in Excel can be accomplished through various methods, each suited to different scenarios and user preferences. Whether you opt for text functions, mathematical operations, the Text to Columns feature, or custom VBA functions, Excel provides the flexibility to handle this task with precision. By understanding and applying these techniques, you can streamline your data manipulation tasks and focus on the more critical aspects of your data analysis.

Remember to always keep a backup of your original data before applying any changes, and practice using these methods to become proficient in digit manipulation within Excel. With these skills in your toolkit, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle any data cleaning or formatting challenges that come your way.

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