How to Remove Extra Space in Excel

admin30 March 2023Last Update :

Mastering the Art of Space Management in Excel

Microsoft Excel is a powerhouse for data organization, analysis, and representation. However, even the most seasoned Excel users can find themselves grappling with the seemingly trivial issue of extra spaces. These unwelcome guests can disrupt data consistency, impede accurate analysis, and generally make your spreadsheets look untidy. In this article, we’ll explore various methods to remove extra spaces in Excel, ensuring your data is clean and presentation-ready.

Understanding the Impact of Extra Spaces

Before diving into the solutions, it’s crucial to understand the impact of extra spaces in Excel. They can lead to incorrect data sorting, improper data matching in functions like VLOOKUP, and errors in calculations. Extra spaces can originate from data imports, manual entries, or concatenation processes. Identifying and removing these spaces is not just about aesthetics; it’s about maintaining data integrity.

Manual Space Removal Techniques

Let’s start with the basics. Sometimes, the simplest way to remove extra spaces is manually. This can be effective for small datasets where you can visually identify and delete spaces. However, for larger datasets, manual cleanup becomes impractical, and that’s where Excel’s built-in tools and functions come into play.

Using Find and Replace

The Find and Replace feature is a quick fix for removing unwanted spaces. Here’s how you can use it:

  1. Press Ctrl + H to open the Find and Replace dialog box.
  2. In the ‘Find what’ field, enter two spaces.
  3. Leave the ‘Replace with’ field empty to remove spaces.
  4. Click ‘Replace All’.

This method is effective for double spaces but may require multiple passes to remove larger clusters of spaces.

Excel Functions to the Rescue

Excel provides several functions specifically designed to handle spaces. These functions can automate the process of space removal, saving time and reducing the risk of human error.

The TRIM Function

The TRIM function is the go-to solution for removing extra spaces in Excel. It eliminates all spaces from a text string except for single spaces between words. Here’s how to use it:


Simply replace ‘A1’ with the cell reference containing the text you want to clean. To apply this to an entire column, drag the fill handle down or double-click it if you have contiguous data in the adjacent column.


While TRIM is effective for spaces between words, it won’t remove non-breaking spaces often found in data imported from the web. The SUBSTITUTE function can handle these stubborn spaces:

=SUBSTITUTE(A1, CHAR(160), "")

This formula replaces non-breaking spaces, represented by CHAR(160), with an empty string, effectively removing them.


For a comprehensive cleanup, you can combine both functions:


This formula first replaces non-breaking spaces with regular spaces and then trims the result.

Advanced Techniques for Space Removal

For those who deal with complex datasets, advanced techniques may be necessary to ensure thorough space removal.

Using Power Query

Power Query is a powerful data transformation tool in Excel that can help you remove extra spaces with ease. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Select your data range and go to the ‘Data’ tab.
  2. Click ‘From Table/Range’ to open Power Query Editor.
  3. Use the ‘Remove Columns’ or ‘Filter Rows’ options to refine your data.
  4. Right-click on the column header and select ‘Transform’ > ‘Trim’.
  5. Click ‘Close & Load’ to apply changes to your dataset.

Power Query provides a non-destructive way to clean your data, as the original data remains intact.

Creating Macros for Space Removal

If you frequently need to remove extra spaces, creating a macro can be a time-saver. Here’s a simple VBA code snippet to get you started:

Sub RemoveExtraSpaces()
    Dim rng As Range
    For Each rng In Selection
        rng.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(rng.Value)
    Next rng
End Sub

This macro will trim all selected cells. To use it, press Alt + F11 to open the VBA editor, insert a new module, and paste the code above.

Case Studies: Real-World Applications

Let’s look at some real-world examples where removing extra spaces in Excel made a significant difference.

Data Migration Projects

In data migration projects, ensuring data consistency is paramount. A financial institution migrating customer data found that extra spaces led to mismatched records. By using the TRIM function across their datasets, they were able to align records accurately, ensuring a smooth transition.

Data Analysis in Research

Researchers often deal with large datasets collected from various sources. A team studying environmental patterns used Power Query to clean their data, removing inconsistencies caused by extra spaces. This preprocessing step was crucial for the accuracy of their subsequent analysis.

FAQ Section

Why doesn’t the TRIM function remove all spaces?

The TRIM function is designed to remove only leading, trailing, and multiple consecutive spaces between words. It does not remove non-breaking spaces or single spaces that are correctly placed between words.

Can I remove extra spaces in Excel Online?

Yes, Excel Online supports functions like TRIM and SUBSTITUTE, allowing you to remove extra spaces directly in your web browser.

Is there a way to prevent extra spaces from being entered in the first place?

You can use data validation rules to restrict the type of data entered into cells, which can help prevent extra spaces. Additionally, educating users on proper data entry techniques can reduce the occurrence of extra spaces.

How do I remove extra spaces from numbers formatted as text?

You can use the same TRIM function to remove spaces from numbers formatted as text. If you need to convert the cleaned text back to a number, you can use the VALUE function:


What if I need to preserve certain spaces in my data?

If you need to preserve certain spaces, such as those in a specific pattern or format, you may need to use more complex formulas or VBA code to selectively remove spaces. This might involve using the MID, LEFT, and RIGHT functions to target specific parts of the text.


Removing extra spaces in Excel is a common task that can have a significant impact on the quality of your data. Whether you’re working with small or large datasets, Excel provides a range of tools and functions to help you clean up your data efficiently. From manual methods to advanced techniques like Power Query and VBA, there’s a solution for every scenario. By mastering these methods, you can ensure that your data is accurate, consistent, and ready for analysis or presentation.

Remember, clean data is the foundation of any successful data-driven endeavor. So, take the time to remove those pesky extra spaces and let your data shine!

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