How to Remove Cell Borders in Excel

admin27 March 2023Last Update :

Mastering Cell Borders in Excel: A Comprehensive Guide

Microsoft Excel is a powerhouse for data organization, analysis, and presentation. One of the fundamental aspects of presenting data effectively in Excel is the use of cell borders. Borders help to define the boundaries of cells, making data easier to read and understand. In this article, we will delve into the various methods of adding, customizing, and utilizing cell borders in Excel to enhance your spreadsheets’ clarity and professionalism.

Understanding the Basics of Cell Borders in Excel

Before we dive into the intricacies of cell borders, it’s important to understand what they are and why they’re useful. Cell borders are the lines that appear around one or more sides of a cell or a range of cells. They can be customized in terms of style, color, and thickness, allowing you to highlight certain areas of your spreadsheet or simply organize data more effectively.

Why Use Cell Borders?

  • Visual Appeal: Borders can make a spreadsheet look more polished and professional.
  • Organization: They help to separate and distinguish different sections of data.
  • Emphasis: Borders can draw attention to important figures or areas within a dataset.
  • Guidance: They guide the reader’s eye through the data, making complex information easier to follow.

Adding Borders to Your Excel Cells

Excel provides several ways to add borders to cells. Here’s a step-by-step guide to the most common methods:

Using the Ribbon to Add Borders

The Ribbon in Excel is the easiest way to add borders to your cells. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells where you want to add borders.
  2. Go to the Home tab on the Ribbon.
  3. In the Font group, click on the Borders dropdown menu.
  4. Choose the border style you want to apply from the list of options.

For more specific border options, such as applying borders to only certain sides of a cell, you can select More Borders at the bottom of the dropdown menu. This will open the Format Cells dialog box where you can customize your borders in greater detail.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Adding Borders

For those who prefer using keyboard shortcuts, Excel has you covered. Here are a few handy shortcuts for adding borders quickly:

    Alt + H, B, P - Apply or remove a border around the selected cells (Toggle Outline Border)
    Alt + H, B, S - Apply or remove a border to the right of the selection (Toggle Right Border)
    Alt + H, B, A - Apply or remove a border above the selection (Toggle Top Border)

These shortcuts can significantly speed up the process of formatting your spreadsheets, especially when dealing with large datasets.

Customizing Cell Borders

Excel’s default borders might not always suit your needs. Fortunately, you can customize borders in several ways:

Changing Border Style and Color

To change the style and color of your borders:

  1. Select the cells you want to customize.
  2. Go to the Home tab and click on More Borders in the Font group.
  3. In the Format Cells dialog box, under the Border tab, you can choose from various line styles and colors.
  4. Click OK to apply your changes.

Applying Different Borders to Different Sides of a Cell

Sometimes you may want to apply different border styles to different sides of a cell. Here’s how:

  1. Select the cells you want to format.
  2. Open the Format Cells dialog box by clicking on More Borders.
  3. Under the Border tab, click on the specific border icons to apply styles to the top, bottom, left, or right sides of the selected cells.
  4. Choose your desired line style and color for each side.
  5. Click OK to apply your custom borders.

Advanced Border Techniques

Beyond the basics, there are more advanced techniques for working with cell borders in Excel:

Using Conditional Formatting to Apply Borders

Conditional formatting allows you to apply borders based on certain conditions or criteria. For example, you can highlight cells that contain values above a certain threshold with a bold border. To do this:

  1. Select the range of cells you want to format conditionally.
  2. Go to the Home tab and click on Conditional Formatting.
  3. Select New Rule and choose a rule type that suits your needs.
  4. Set up your conditions and then click on Format.
  5. In the Format Cells dialog box, go to the Border tab and set your desired border options.
  6. Click OK twice to apply the conditional formatting rule with borders.

Copying Borders with Format Painter

If you’ve already formatted a cell with the perfect border and want to apply the same formatting to other cells, you can use the Format Painter:

  1. Select the cell with the border formatting you want to copy.
  2. Click on the Format Painter icon in the Home tab.
  3. Select the cells you want to apply the formatting to. The borders will be copied over.

Best Practices for Using Cell Borders

While borders can enhance your spreadsheet, it’s important to use them judiciously. Here are some best practices:

  • Consistency: Use consistent border styles and colors throughout your spreadsheet to maintain a professional look.
  • Simplicity: Avoid using too many different border styles, as this can make your spreadsheet look cluttered and confusing.
  • Emphasis: Use thicker or double lines to emphasize totals or important data points.
  • Alignment: Ensure that your text alignment and border styles complement each other for maximum readability.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cell Borders in Excel

How do I remove borders from a cell in Excel?

To remove borders from a cell, select the cell, go to the Home tab, click on the Borders dropdown menu, and choose No Border.

Can I save custom border styles for future use?

Excel does not have a feature to save custom border styles. However, you can copy and paste cell formatting using the Format Painter to reuse custom borders.

Is it possible to print cell borders in Excel?

Yes, cell borders will be printed along with your data as long as they are applied to the cells in your worksheet. Make sure to check the print preview before printing to ensure borders are visible.


Cell borders are a simple yet powerful tool in Excel that can transform the way you present data. By understanding how to add, customize, and use borders effectively, you can create spreadsheets that are not only functional but also visually appealing. Remember to use borders consistently and sparingly to avoid overwhelming your audience and to keep the focus on the data itself.

With the techniques outlined in this guide, you’re now equipped to take your Excel formatting skills to the next level. Whether you’re preparing a report for work, organizing data for analysis, or simply trying to make your spreadsheets easier to read, mastering the art of cell borders is an essential step on your journey to becoming an Excel expert.

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