Formula for Current Month in Excel

adminEdit By nancy sherif28 March 2023Last Update :

Unlocking the Power of Excel: Mastering the Current Month Formula

Excel is not just a tool; it’s a canvas for data artists and a battleground for spreadsheet warriors. Among its arsenal of functions, the ability to dynamically reference the current month stands as a powerful ally in time-sensitive data analysis. In this article, we will delve into the depths of Excel’s functionality to extract the current month and utilize it to streamline workflows, automate reports, and bring your data to life.

Understanding Excel Date Functions

Before we can craft the perfect formula to capture the current month, it’s essential to understand the building blocks of Excel’s date and time functions. Excel stores dates as serial numbers, with January 1, 1900, as serial number 1. This system allows for intricate date calculations and manipulations.

The TODAY and NOW Functions

The TODAY() and NOW() functions are the cornerstones of real-time data analysis in Excel. TODAY() returns the current date with no time component, while NOW() includes the current time. Here’s how they look in action:


Extracting Month from a Date

To isolate the month from a date, Excel offers the MONTH() function. It extracts the month as an integer from 1 (January) to 12 (December) from a given date.


For example, to get the month from the date in cell A1, you would use:


Formulating the Current Month

Now that we have a grasp on the date functions, let’s combine them to create a formula that always returns the current month.


This simple yet powerful formula ensures that every time you open your Excel workbook, the cell containing this formula will display the current month as a number.

Displaying the Month Name

Numbers are great, but sometimes you need the actual name of the month. Excel’s TEXT() function can convert a date into a text string in any format you specify, including the full month name or its abbreviation.

=TEXT(TODAY(), "mmmm")
=TEXT(TODAY(), "mmm")

The first formula returns the full name of the current month, while the second provides the abbreviated three-letter format.

Advanced Applications of the Current Month Formula

With the basic formula in hand, let’s explore some advanced applications that can transform your data management and reporting.

Conditional Formatting Based on the Current Month

Imagine you have a dataset with various dates, and you want to highlight the rows where the date falls in the current month. Here’s how you can use conditional formatting with our current month formula:

  1. Select the range of cells you want to format.
  2. Go to the Home tab, click on Conditional Formatting, and choose ‘New Rule.’
  3. Select ‘Use a formula to determine which cells to format.’
  4. Enter the following formula, assuming column A contains the dates:
  1. Set the desired format and click OK.

Now, any cell with a date in the current month will be highlighted according to the format you chose.

Creating Dynamic Reports with the Current Month

Dynamic reports that automatically update based on the current month can save hours of manual adjustments. By incorporating the current month formula into your data analysis, you can create reports that are always relevant and up-to-date.

Calculating Monthly Metrics

Businesses often need to calculate metrics like sales or expenses for the current month. By combining the current month formula with SUMIF or SUMIFS, you can create a dynamic calculation that updates as new data is entered.

=SUMIF(range, criteria, sum_range)

For example, to sum sales in column B for the current month with dates in column A:


This formula sums all sales in column B where the date in column A falls within the current month.

Case Study: A Real-World Example

Consider a retail company that tracks monthly sales. They use an Excel workbook to record daily transactions with a date stamp. By using the current month formula, they can create a dashboard that automatically displays sales figures for the current month, providing instant insights into their performance without manual filtering or data entry.

FAQ Section

How do I get the current month in Excel without a year?

Use the MONTH(TODAY()) function to get the current month as a number without the year. If you need the month name, use TEXT(TODAY(), “mmmm”) for the full name or TEXT(TODAY(), “mmm”) for the abbreviated name.

Can I use the current month formula to filter data in a pivot table?

Yes, you can create a calculated column in your source data using the current month formula and then use that column as a filter in your pivot table.

Yes, you can insert headers or footers in Page Layout view and include a formula like &[Date] to display the current date. However, custom formulas are not supported directly in headers and footers.

How do I handle leap years when calculating the current month?

Excel’s date functions automatically account for leap years. When using functions like TODAY(), you don’t need to make any special adjustments for leap years.

Can I use the current month formula in Excel Online or Google Sheets?

Yes, the formulas discussed in this article work similarly in Excel Online and Google Sheets, making them versatile across different platforms.


Mastering the formula for the current month in Excel can significantly enhance your data analysis and reporting capabilities. By leveraging Excel’s date functions, you can create dynamic, automated systems that respond in real-time to the current date, saving time and reducing errors. Whether you’re a seasoned Excel veteran or a newcomer to the world of spreadsheets, the power to harness the current month is now at your fingertips.


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