Excel Vba Convert String to Number

adminEdit By nancy sherif28 March 2023Last Update :

Unlocking the Power of Data: Converting Strings to Numbers in Excel VBA

Excel is a powerhouse for data manipulation, and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) serves as the key to unlocking its full potential. One common task that Excel users encounter is the need to convert strings to numbers—a process that may seem straightforward but can be fraught with subtleties. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Excel VBA to understand how to efficiently and accurately perform this conversion, ensuring that your data is primed for analysis, reporting, and decision-making.

Understanding the Basics: String and Number Data Types in VBA

Before we delve into the conversion process, it’s essential to understand the difference between strings and numbers in the context of VBA. A string is a sequence of characters that can include letters, numbers, and symbols, whereas a number is a numerical value that can be used in mathematical operations. In VBA, distinguishing between these two data types is crucial for the proper handling of data.

Why Convert Strings to Numbers?

There are several reasons why you might need to convert a string to a number in Excel VBA:

  • Mathematical Operations: You cannot perform arithmetic calculations on strings. Conversion is necessary to execute any mathematical functions.
  • Data Analysis: For sorting, filtering, or using Excel’s built-in functions like SUM or AVERAGE, you need numeric data types.
  • Consistency: Ensuring that all data in a column is of the same type is vital for accuracy and reliability.
  • External Data: When importing data from other sources, numbers may be interpreted as strings and need to be converted.

Identifying Strings That Represent Numbers

In VBA, a string that represents a number could look like “123”, “45.67”, or even “1,234.00”. It’s important to recognize these patterns to determine when a conversion is necessary.

Methods for Converting Strings to Numbers in Excel VBA

There are multiple methods in VBA to convert strings to numbers, each with its own use case. Let’s explore some of the most common techniques.

Using the Val Function

The Val function is a quick way to convert a string to a number. It stops reading the string at the first character it can’t recognize as part of a number.

Dim myString As String
Dim myNumber As Double

myString = "123.45"
myNumber = Val(myString)

This would set myNumber to 123.45. However, Val has limitations, such as not recognizing commas or currency symbols.

Using CDbl and CInt Functions

The CDbl (Convert to Double) and CInt (Convert to Integer) functions are more robust for conversion, as they handle more formatting variations.

myString = "1,234.56"
myNumber = CDbl(myString)

This would successfully convert the string “1,234.56” to the numeric value 1234.56.

Using CLng and CSng Functions

For long integers and single-precision floating-point numbers, you can use CLng and CSng respectively.

myString = "1234567890"
myNumber = CLng(myString)

This would convert the string to a long integer.

Handling Errors During Conversion

When converting strings to numbers, it’s possible to encounter errors, especially if the string does not represent a valid number. Using error handling with On Error Resume Next can prevent your code from crashing.

On Error Resume Next
myString = "abc123"
myNumber = CDbl(myString)
If Err.Number  0 Then
    MsgBox "Conversion failed!"
End If

This code checks for conversion errors and displays a message if the conversion fails.

Advanced Techniques for String to Number Conversion

Sometimes, you may encounter strings with complex formats or non-standard number representations. In such cases, advanced techniques are required.

Regular Expressions for String Cleaning

Regular expressions can be used to clean strings before conversion. For example, removing non-numeric characters:

Dim regEx As Object
Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

With regEx
    .Global = True
    .Pattern = "[^d.]"
End With

myString = "$1,234.56"
myString = regEx.Replace(myString, "")

myNumber = CDbl(myString)

This code removes all characters except digits and the decimal point, allowing for a clean conversion to a number.

Custom Conversion Functions

For complex scenarios, you might need to write custom functions to handle specific string formats.

Function ConvertCurrencyStringToNumber(currencyString As String) As Double
    ' Remove currency symbol and commas
    currencyString = Replace(currencyString, "$", "")
    currencyString = Replace(currencyString, ",", "")
    ' Convert and return the number
    ConvertCurrencyStringToNumber = CDbl(currencyString)
End Function

myString = "$1,234.56"
myNumber = ConvertCurrencyStringToNumber(myString)

This custom function specifically handles strings formatted as currency.

Practical Examples and Case Studies

To illustrate the real-world application of these methods, let’s look at some practical examples and case studies.

Example: Importing Data from a Text File

Imagine you’re importing data from a CSV file where numbers are stored as strings with various formats. You could use a combination of the Split function and conversion functions to process the data.

Dim line As String
Dim data() As String
Dim numericData() As Double
Dim i As Integer

' Read a line from the file (pseudo-code)
line = ReadLineFromFile()

' Split the line into an array
data = Split(line, ",")

' Initialize the numericData array
ReDim numericData(UBound(data))

' Convert each string to a number
For i = 0 To UBound(data)
    numericData(i) = CDbl(data(i))
Next i

This code reads a line from a CSV file, splits it into an array of strings, and then converts each string to a number.

Case Study: Financial Reporting

A financial analyst needs to consolidate various reports where monetary values are represented as strings with currency symbols and commas. A custom VBA function can standardize and convert these values for further analysis.

FAQ Section

What is the difference between Val and CDbl?

Val is a simpler function that stops reading the string at the first unrecognized character, while CDbl can handle more complex number formats including commas and currency symbols.

How can I convert a string with a currency symbol to a number?

You can use regular expressions or a custom function to remove the currency symbol and then use CDbl to convert the cleaned string to a number.

Can I convert a string to an integer in VBA?

Yes, you can use the CInt function to convert a string to an integer, provided the string represents a whole number.

What happens if I try to convert a non-numeric string to a number?

VBA will throw a runtime error. You can handle this with error handling constructs like On Error Resume Next and check the Err.Number property.

Is it possible to convert a string to a number without using VBA?

Yes, Excel has built-in functions like VALUE that can convert strings to numbers within the worksheet without using VBA.


Converting strings to numbers in Excel VBA is a fundamental skill that enhances the versatility and power of your data manipulation capabilities. By understanding the various methods and functions available, and by applying error handling and custom solutions when necessary, you can ensure that your data is accurately prepared for any analysis or reporting task. Whether you’re a seasoned VBA programmer or just starting out, mastering string to number conversion is a valuable addition to your Excel toolkit.


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